
Therapists & Specialized Instructors​

Welcome to Collaborate4Kids! Our vision is to connect therapists, specialized instructors, service providers, and parents across the globe. Make yourself at home, read through the therapist/specialized instructor options, and always feel free to Contact Us with any questions. We are here to help! Our team at Collaborate4Kids loves to hear suggestions about ways we can better equip and connect you with effective resources, multidisciplinary therapists/instructors, practice owners, and potential clients.

Therapists & Specialized Instructors as Customers​

Therapists & Specialized Instructors can search and purchase tailored resources that can benefit their clients via the Collaborate4Kids marketplace. Once purchased, each customer can individualize resources to benefit their individual clients. It is important to understand that some resources can only be purchased by a therapist, specific types of therapists, and/or service providers.

As a customer, therapists & specialized instructors can also use our C4K Therapist & Clinical Practice Directory and our C4K Connection Platform to connect with other multidisciplinary therapists, specialized instructors, and practices via the C4K video chat sessions. This allows therapists & specialized instructors across the globe to collaborate and learn from one another. Each therapist/instructor and clinic are listed according to state.

Therapists & Specialized Instructors as Vendors

We believe that it is beneficial for therapists & specialized instructors to collaborate and share their expertise & resources. As a vendor, therapists & specialized instructors can market tailored resources that may benefit other therapists/instructors and their clients through our Collaborate4Kids Marketplace.

Therapists/instructors also have the option to share their expertise with parents who are in much need of effective resources. As a vendor, therapists/instructors can market tailored resources that may benefit families and children with specific learning styles through our Collaborate4Kids marketplace.

As a Premium Vendor, therapists/instructors have the option to market their expertise by opting to be listed in our C4K Therapist and Clinical Practice Directory. This allows therapists/instructors and parents to connect with you by purchasing and scheduling a C4K video chat session through our C4K Connection Platform. Each therapist/instructor and clinic are listed according to state.

As a Premium Vendor, therapists/instructors have the option to market their expertise by using our C4K Connection Platform. This platform allows customers to schedule connection sessions with both therapists/instructors and parents via the C4K video chat sessions. The cost for these sessions is determined by each Vendor. It is important to understand that these connection sessions are strictly for making first connections. No Personal Health Information (PHI) should be exchanged on these sessions. Post Consultations may be scheduled to share PHI by using an alternative platform.

It is our goal for pediatric therapists/instructors to have the support and expertise they need to fully provide effective services to their clients as well as lead a fulfilling and healthy career. Connection and Collaboration are key for thriving clients and healthy therapists/instructors to reach their goals.

What Client Says

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